Welcome to 422 Studio

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Because I love my clients

I'm offering a first for 422 Studio.

I have had the pleasure of working with so many wonderful, brilliant, outstanding, women in the last 12 months. Actually throughout the whole operation of my business I've been blessed with amazing clients. Year after year I see more beautiful people (and I'm not just talking pretty faces here). So as a thank you to my clients who've come to see me in the last 12 months I'd like to offer you a special HALF OFF reprints. That's right! If you've done a session with me in the last 12 months you are eligible to receive half off any reprint order.

What qualifies as a reprint? Any previously ordered image can qualify. For example you may have ordered a 5x7 print from a boudoir session and your husband has been begging for you to order it as an 11x17 print so he can adore you in a greater form. Perhaps you ordered an album but didn't order any of the images from it as prints and now you'd really like to add a couple of them as 8x10's.

Well this is your chance to do just that and save half off of my regular print prices. All you have to do is call or email me and I'll get the information from you that I need to do your reprint order.

If you did your session more than 12 months ago check with me to see if I still have the images in storage.

The fine print:
This does not apply to previously unedited images (contact me if you have questions about those).
It also does not apply to Canvas' and Mounted Wall Art however you can still save 30% on those though.
Special rate applies to my current pricing.
5% VA sales tax will be added to all orders.
Sale ends November 30 2011.

And now for the eye candy because no blog about Pinup photos is complete without a picture.

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