I am a little obsessed with gorgeous gowns lately. If you're following me on Pinterest I'm sure you've noticed just how many beautiful gowns I've been pinning away. No I'm not getting married, or getting ready for high school prom. I see gorgeous gowns everywhere. They are something I never paid much attention to but now that they are on my mind I'm seeing them on every website, TV show, photography blog (Sue Bryce's being a huge inspiration), store window and advertisement that catches my eye.
I have come to realize that I am nearly 40 years old and I've never had a reason to wear a ball gown. I didn't go to my prom and both of my weddings had very, very, modest budgets. I found my first wedding dress at Goodwill for $50, it was pretty but not very fancy. My second wedding dress was a cotton mini dress, classy yes I know. We were supposed to have a big wedding a few months later and it never happened. I've never gotten to spend the day getting made up, pampered, plunged into a gorgeous gown. I didn't really think that I regretted not going to prom or not having a big wedding and to some extent that's true(ok I do regret not doing the big party wedding the second time around). What I seem to be missing out on is the fulfillment of that girlish childhood wish to be a princess. Although I'm a fiercely independent woman and have never expected to be whisked away on a white horse, somewhere the girl in me wants that dress, that attention, that feeling of being oh so glamorous. I think on some level many of us do. Between being dressed for success at work and the mom ponytail we sport in our off time, we're missing out on ever feeling like the belle of the ball.
As 40 gets nearer I have this urge to get all glammed up and do a photo session in a gorgeous gown to create those memories that I never got to make and celebrate myself as I am now. Now that I am more confident, more aware of myself, more mature, more well, me. We all deserve to be adored, to feel glamorous, to be pampered and attended to even if just for the day.
With all of this on my mind I did a personal project this weekend. I figure if I'm feeling this way surely other women are too. I grabbed my best friend and we spent the day with a gown. Here she is with her Glamorous Gown session.
BTW she made her dress, including the beautiful cape and fascinator. She's beautiful and crafty!
Thank you!
422 Studio is a Richmond, Virginia based boudoir photography studio.